Meet the sheet metal worker of the future:

“I like it when the work calls for precision”
At LP Kolding our skilled employees are absolutely essential to our ability to deliver the solutions our customers need. Many choose us for special assignments and niche productions, and such tasks require employees who are capable of using both their hands and their head. Because we are proud of our craftmanship and because we want to make sure that we have the right employees in the future, we make an effort to give our apprentices a good education. One of the apprentices currently in our workshop is Sune Juhl Jensen, age 24, who is training to become a sheet metal worker specialising in stainless steel.
“I had actually started training as a marine and technical engineer after having completed my military service with the Danish Emergency Management Agency, but I missed working with my hands. The Marine and Technical Engineering Programme was a little too theoretical for me. As a sheet metal worker, there is much more practical work which at the same time requires great precision. When you work with stainless steel, the welding methods are slightly different than with other smithing work. More precision is required. I like that the parts must fit to the nearest millimetre when I work.
I was given such a great welcome when I started. I was given a tour and shook everyone’s hand, and everyone welcomed me. I look forward to being able to work more independently, but now that I need to ask questions all the time it makes a big difference to me that I feel welcome. It is not that I feel pressured, but I do feel eager to make an effort because they are making an effort with me.”
Sune Juhl Jensen has a little more than three years left of his apprenticeship with LP Kolding and we are looking forward to following his development.